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Our Annual Conference
No More Secrets
What are you holding inside? Imagine small secrets developing into ulcers in your stomach and leading to a near death experience. Are your secrets affecting you? Our founder, Frances Campbell, says it’s time out for carrying secrets and swiping things under the rug.
Our annual No More Secrets Women’s Conference allows you to gather and expose the matters of the heart that’s keeping you bond. Together, we inspire and support one another. You are guaranteed to leave this conference encouraged, renewed, and refreshed. Let go and be made whole!
✔ A Night of Worship
✔ Powerful Preachers & Speakers
✔ Corporate Deliverance & Intercessory Prayer
✔ Vending, Shopping, and Networking Opportunities
More Events
- Every 3rd FridayLocation Varies Month-to-Month
- Every Monday NightEntry on 2nd Level Garage (near theater)
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